Cheesed to meet you
Martha creates her delicious pimento cheese for her fiercely loyal, fast-growing fanbase who believe in supporting local.

Fresh to order
Martha makes her homemade pimento cheese fresh to order and can have it ready for local pickup. You can also find Martha's Menna Cheese at a few select locations.

Pimento perfection
Choose classic Martha's Menna cheese, jalapeño, or better yet, stock up on both!

Will the real pimento cheese please stand up?
You won't find ingredients like this in Martha's Menna Cheese!
Martha’s Menna Cheese is a South Carolina Certified Product and doesn't contain any additives or preservatives.
Take a look at the label of grocery store processed pimento cheese and you'll find a list that most likely includes:
Potato Starch, Powdered Cellulose, Natamycin, Xanthan, Carob Bean Gum, Guar Gums, Maltodextrin, Cultured Dextrose, Sodium Diacetate, Nisin Preparation, Potassium Sorbate, Gelatin, Lactic Acid.


Ramp up the taste of any dish or keep it simple and scoop it up with a cracker.
Enjoy South Carolina State Fair Blue Ribbon Award-Winning Pimento Cheese! It's the Cheese Knees, according to experts.
What are those flavors again? Classic & Jalapeno!
✓ According to the food experts at Soda City Market, Martha's Classic Menna Cheese is "Everything is better with cheese! Just in time for the holidays, you will want to stock up on a party favorite-homemade pimento cheese."
✓ Fun Fact: Martha took a YEAR to perfect her Jalapeno Menna Cheese. You MUST try it. It's super smooth with a mild-level jalapeno flavor. Your taste buds will appreciate, but not be overwhelmed by the cheesy wake-up call!

The holy grail of pimento cheese is nestled right here in the heart of the Midlands. Who knew?
Lots of folks discovered Martha's Menna Cheese at a Columbia, Lexington, or Camden farmer's market. After one taste, they became fans for life.
The South Carolina Department of Agriculture recognizes Martha's Menna Cheese as a Certified South Carolina Product. It's a matter of taste!

You deserve more than processed orange stuff in a tub.
Don't settle for any old mass-produced pimento cheese.
Processed orange stuff in a tub tastes well, processed.
Martha makes her Menna Cheese from scratch in small batches, so it's fresh to order every time. Taste the difference and you'll never settle for less than Martha's fresh, homemade pimento cheese.
Cheese the Day.
Every occasion is better with Martha's Menna

Spring and Summer Snacking
Grab Martha's Menna Cheese and go! Pack it in your cooler and head out to the lake, beach, or pool- wherever you choose to spend your time. It’s the perfect snack for picnics and get togethers with friends and family, too!

Tailgating and Parties
Better order extra! With Martha's Menna Cheese by your side, your next tailgating party will be over the top! Take your deviled eggs to a heavenly level by mixing in a little Martha's Menna, and don't forget to spread some on a cracker or mini-sandwich. Menna Cheese Nachos or Quesadillas? Yes, please!

Holidays and Special Occasions
Any occasion or no occasion is the best occasion for Martha's Menna Cheese. Your appetizers will thank you, and so will your guests. Your morning grits will never be the same after adding in some Martha's Menna Cheese. What about twice-baked potatoes, Martha style? Did we mention Martha's Menna Cheese is the PERFECT host or hostess gift?
Martha's Menna Cheese is the talk of the town
Dress it up or dress it down.
Share it or keep it to yourself.
Martha's Menna Cheese is the perfect, all-occasion comfort food.
✓ Serve your fresh batch of pimento cheese to your friends, your family, or your dinner party guests.
✓ Pair it with beer or wine and enjoy it during your next binge-watch.
✓ Keep it all to yourself for work lunches by slapping on a label that says "My child licked this and put it back" to prevent office fridge food snatching.

Ask Martha, Get Answers
What is Menna Cheese?Martha's Menna Cheese is Martha's Pimento Cheese. Menna + Southern slang for pimento! "Mom, get me a menna cheese sandwich!"
How does this work?Order, pay and pick it up during the pick-up time window at your selected pickup location. Be sure you are available to pick it up as we do not offer refunds for abandoned cheese.
What payment options do you accept?To order online, we accept credit cards. If buying in person at a market, we accept cash in exact change, credit cards, Apple Pay, or Venmo.
Can I buy Martha's Menna Cheese in a store?Yes, at a select location or two. Check this page for dates and locations of where you can pick up cheese and be sure and sign up for my email list so you can get the latest updates.
Do you still sell your pimento cheese at farmer's markets?Yes, for now. Check this page for dates and locations of where you can pick up cheese and be sure and sign up for my email list so you can get the latest updates.
What varieties of pimento cheese do you make?Classic Martha's Menna Cheese and Martha's Jalapeno Menna Cheese.
What if I need my pimento cheese before it's available for pickup?Feel free to contact me, but at this time, the best way to make sure you have your cheese when you need it is to plan ahead and order it. Check this page for weekly pickup options and sign up for my email list to get first dibs on the next order.
What does it taste like?The best way to answer this is to order some and try it for yourself! People describe Martha's Menna Cheese as smooth tasting with a hint of smokey flavor and very cheesy. The jalapeno variety is also smooth and cheesy with a mild-jalapeno flavor designed to wake up bored tastebuds.
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Be the first to know where and when you can pick up your next batch of Martha's Menna Cheese. Find out where you can meet the one and only Martha in person! Have ideas about Martha's Menna Cheese? She'd love to hear about how you use Menna Cheese in your favorite recipes. You might even be featured in her next newsletter!